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外国人が日本で家を借りるのは日本人より借りにくい?(There is an English translation at the end)




1. 言語の壁


2. 入居審査の厳しさ


  • 安定した収入の証明:外国人は契約期間中の収入の安定性を疑問視されることがあり、収入証明や在留資格の提示が求められます。

  • 保証人の必要性:多くの物件では、日本在住の連帯保証人(通常は日本人)が必要ですが、外国人には保証人を用意するのが難しい場合があります。

  • 保証会社の審査:最近では保証会社の利用が一般的ですが、外国人は審査が厳しくなることがあります。

3. 文化や生活習慣の違い


  • ゴミの分別ルール騒音トラブルなど、日本の生活ルールに慣れていないと誤解を招くことがあります。

  • 短期滞在のリスク:契約後すぐに帰国する可能性があると考えられ、敬遠されることもあります。

4. 外国人向けの賃貸物件は増えている


  • 外国語対応の不動産会社を利用することで、契約のサポートを受けやすくなります。

  • 保証会社の選択肢も増え、外国人でも審査に通りやすいプランが用意されていることがあります。

  • 外国人歓迎の物件が増えており、特定のエリアでは外国人向け賃貸が充実しています。

5. 借りやすくするための対策


  • 日本語が話せる友人や専門家に相談する

  • 外国人向けの不動産会社を活用する

  • 保証会社を利用し、保証人なしでも契約できる物件を探す

  • 安定した収入を証明できる書類を用意する(雇用契約書、給与明細など)



Good evening. This is Yamazaki. Today, I would like to talk about whether there are any hurdles for foreigners to rent a house in Japan.

Renting a house is often a big hurdle for foreigners living in Japan. Compared to Japanese people, there are several barriers for foreigners to enter into a rental contract. Here, I will explain the reasons and countermeasures.

1. Language barrier

Many real estate companies and landlords basically deal with matters in Japanese, which can make negotiations difficult for foreigners who do not speak Japanese. In addition, all contract documents are written in Japanese, so it is also difficult to understand the contents.

2. Strictness of tenant screening

In the Japanese rental market, the credit information of tenants is important. In particular, the following points can be problematic.

Proof of stable income: Foreigners may be questioned about the stability of their income during the contract period, and they are asked to provide proof of income and residence status.

Need for a guarantor: Many properties require a joint guarantor (usually a Japanese person) who lives in Japan, but it can be difficult for foreigners to find a guarantor.

Guarantor company screening: The use of guarantor companies has become common recently, but screening can be stricter for foreigners.

3. Differences in culture and lifestyle

Landlords and real estate companies may be concerned about the lifestyle of foreigners.

If you are not familiar with Japanese living rules, such as rules for separating garbage and noise pollution, it can lead to misunderstandings.

Risks of short-term stays: People may be reluctant to stay in Japan because they think you may return to your home country immediately after signing a contract.

4. The number of rental properties for foreigners is increasing

In recent years, the number of real estate companies and properties that are actively accepting foreigners has increased.

Using a real estate company that can speak foreign languages ​​makes it easier to receive support for signing a contract.

The number of options for guarantor companies has also increased, and there are sometimes plans available that make it easier for foreigners to pass the screening.

The number of properties that welcome foreigners is increasing, and there are many rental properties for foreigners in certain areas.

5. Measures to make it easier to rent

The following measures are effective for foreigners to proceed with rental contracts smoothly.

Consult with a Japanese-speaking friend or expert

Make use of a real estate agency for foreigners

Use a guarantee company to find a property that can be signed without a guarantor

Prepare documents that prove your stable income (employment contract, pay slip, etc.)


The reality is that it is more difficult for foreigners to rent a home in Japan than for Japanese people. However, support for foreigners is becoming more and more comprehensive, and by taking the appropriate measures, you can increase the chances of signing a contract smoothly. Choose a real estate agency carefully and prepare for the contract to find a comfortable home in Japan!


日本でのビザ申請・更新ならお任せください!(English translation available)

外国人のビザ申請でお困りではありませんか? 日本での在留資格(ビザ)を取得・更新する際には、多くの手続きや書類の準備が必要です。特に、初めての申請や変更を行う場合、「何を準備すればいいのか分からない」「不許可になったらどうしよう」と不安に感じる方も多いのではないでしょうか。...

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